We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more β
We’ve been catching that many recently, I thought I may as well start eating the things instead of putting them back!!
Skinning a Dogfish,……….
Well…..I put my money where my mouth is and took 3 doggies home with a view to eating them
Me and Paul had tried the skinning technique on the boat, without much success to be honest I put it down to the choppy/swelly conditions and the fact the fish was still ‘active’
Back on dry land and solid ground I gave it another go…..it was still not as easy as the skipper made it look on the video…. I found a pair of pliers a necessity…….
Once you got the skin coming off it was pretty easy. I used the technique shown in the vid, stand on the head and pull up!……….
The flesh looks quite pink on the outside (is that where they get ‘rock salmon’ from?) but it’s quite white and firm on the inside…..
The only ‘bone’ is the backbone cartilage which is easy to remove, just run your knife along it….this leaves you with two long fillets which I cut into chunks and battered……..I must admit I was pleasantly surprised, very tasty
Even the kids and the missus enjoyed it, which was surprising as I made the kids fishfingers out of fresh BASS and they wouldn’t bloody touch…too fishy!
It is a bit of a kerfuffle getting the skin off, but it’s worth the effort