We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more →
Port St Mary, Isle Of Man
Saturday 23rd July- Friday 29th July Inclusive.
Steam Packet IOM
sponsored by IOM Tourist Board.
2011 will be the Mannin Angling Clubs 60th anniversary festival, it has been running successfully since 1951.
With it being a special occasion, we are intending to introduce some new things to the format. The Festival will stay the same as the previous year,but with a few added extras. We will also be sticking to a complete catch and release event.
On the first day (Saturday 23rd July) we intend to try out a new idea of having a kayak fishing comp. Details are still to be finalised, but the intention is to hold it from Port Erin Bay subject to weather. The shore competition will still take place on Saturday as well as the kayak comp.
The rest of the event will run much the same as the year before. But through out the week of boat fishing, we are going to introduce tagging (Tope/Bull Huss/Spurdog). It will be voluntary, with all boats having the option of tagging the fish through the event.
More Details will be added shortly.
Kayak Competition
Saturday 23rd July 2011. Port Erin Bay, Species competition. Details are being finalised and will be posted soon.
Shore competitions
Saturday 23rd July Port St Mary Breakwater. Pegged comp, measure and return. Times to be announced.
Friday 29th July Port Erin Bay. Rover competition, species and longest fish. Times to be announced
Sunday 24th July, species competition 10am-4pm
Monday 25th July, measure and return points competition 10am-4pm
Tuesday 26th July, species competition 10am-4pm
Wednesday 27th July, measure and return 10am-4pm
Thursday 28th July, species competition 10am-4pm
There will be an entry fee of £4 per competition (boat and shore). Charter boat fees are extra and charged at £5 per hour (£30 per comp
Prizes to the value of £2000.
Daily prizes awarded for each competition.
Boat competitions prizes down to 6th place
Shore competition prizes down to 6th place
Trophies for both shore and boat competitions will be awarded to Gents, Ladies and Juniors
Isle of man entrants must be Mannin Angling Club Members.
Down-loadable Festival Entry Forms
Mannin Angling Festival Brochure 1.
Mannin Angling Festival Brochure 2.
Mannin Angling Festival Brochure 3.
If you want a festival entry form please feel free to request a form from either club secretary Beryl (07624) 427819 or the treasurer Bob (07624) 483328.
Further Information can also be found on their website