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Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Paul » 17 Dec 2012, 11:59

I have had an email from Phill Williams this morning with a bit of an update on the proposed new byelaw for Heysham Nursery area

For those who don't know this thread might be worth a read...


It has taken some time as that thread was posted back in March 2012...

Extract from Phill Latest Blog post which can be found here.... ... =1#more274

....... proposals were made to add to the current boat fishing restrictions which themselves get flouted, by bringing in a total boat and shore angling ban throughout the entire nursery area. This as I understand it is the first total ban of it's kind in the country, so all eyes are on the proceedings. Anyway, things are now at the stage where the required bye-law has been drafted and approved by the governments Marine Management Organisation (MMO) who are my boss. The statutory impact statement is also complete. The next step is to advertise the bye-law proposal for a two week period followed by a one month consultation period to consider the views this might draw in, plus stakeholder views, after which the MMO & IFCA finalise whatever decisions are taken and the bye-law then gets ratified.

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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Mike T » 17 Dec 2012, 15:49

I personaly think you should be allowed to fish there but keeping the fish is a differant story i think there should be a bag limit of 1 maybe two fish i think it should be closed for the spring whilst they spawn and closed through winter months.
And it should be fishable under restrictions i.e permit holders a small fee for a seasonal permit. This would stop the minority spoiling it for the majority.
The permit holders could hold the rights to check anybody else who is fishing theres permits and if they can't show a valid permit ask them to leave and report them for fishing without a valid permit.
I don't think shutting it completly is the answer personally.

2014, species, codling, whiting, dab, blenny, flounder, bass 41cm, thornback ray on lrf tackle in morecambe bay off the shore. smoothound in heysham. plaice 2lb 1oz nasty weaver.
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Mike T » 17 Dec 2012, 15:56

I do agree something has tho be done tho.

2014, species, codling, whiting, dab, blenny, flounder, bass 41cm, thornback ray on lrf tackle in morecambe bay off the shore. smoothound in heysham. plaice 2lb 1oz nasty weaver.
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Mike T » 17 Dec 2012, 16:01

As for the small pleasure fishinh boats such as padstas they should be allowed to fish over it with a bag limit and permit commertial fishing should be banned from every shore in the uk and should only be allowed to do it at least 10miles from the shore there for giving shore marine life a chance to grow and bring more fish into shores.

2014, species, codling, whiting, dab, blenny, flounder, bass 41cm, thornback ray on lrf tackle in morecambe bay off the shore. smoothound in heysham. plaice 2lb 1oz nasty weaver.
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Padsta Tel » 17 Dec 2012, 18:16

I'm all in favour of a total ban shore boat and netters like the guy said a lot of fish go back and die as far as a licence fee it would have to be substantial to keep the :huan kerr: :huan kerr: :huan kerr: away.As it stands at the mo according to the fisheries guys i can fish the nursery area in my boat but not for Billy Bass. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Rocket Ron » 17 Dec 2012, 20:11

All for a localised ban in areas like this, even though it impacts on honest responsible anglers.
The only time I fished the PS I witnessed a polish guy knock some 20 + bass of which I was certain a third were under size. The fisheries officer came over for a chat and heard my tale. He. knew the guy well and said if he went over there'd be no fish. Mr pole clocks him coming and dumps his catch. If you fish there he uses a jelly under a float.needs talking to... ruining everything for all!
Rocket Ron

Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Gazza D » 17 Dec 2012, 21:36

Rocket Ron wrote:All for a localised ban in areas like this, even though it impacts on honest responsible anglers.
The only time I fished the PS I witnessed a polish guy knock some 20 + bass of which I was certain a third were under size. The fisheries officer came over for a chat and heard my tale. He. knew the guy well and said if he went over there'd be no fish. Mr pole clocks him coming and dumps his catch. If you fish there he uses a jelly under a float.needs talking to... ruining everything for all!

Its for the above reason why there is a total ban as you will always get someone who bends the rules....
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Rocket Ron » 17 Dec 2012, 21:57

Gazza D wrote:
Rocket Ron wrote:All for a localised ban in areas like this, even though it impacts on honest responsible anglers.
The only time I fished the PS I witnessed a polish guy knock some 20 + bass of which I was certain a third were under size. The fisheries officer came over for a chat and heard my tale. He. knew the guy well and said if he went over there'd be no fish. Mr pole clocks him coming and dumps his catch. If you fish there he uses a jelly under a float.needs talking to... ruining everything for all!

Its for the above reason why there is a total ban as you will always get someone who bends the rules....

Having just read some back posts seems to be a more organised criminal element at work.
Would seem a need for a police presence rather than a fisheries officer. Big shame that.
" the love of money is the root of all evil"
Rocket Ron

Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Mike T » 17 Dec 2012, 22:05

well i think its a real shame if there is a ban put in place, its not a mark i fish been there 3 times thats all, but i know lads and a lot of lads on this site fish there including some admin, its wrong on the higest level taking undersize bass from the nursery area its just plain criminal, and infact its criminals doing it, like ron just said there should be a stronger police presance but like everything that costs money and certainly will not happen even with the fisheries this would not happen so its looking more and more like its going to be banned, which is terrible for anglers, in the summer its the perfect mark to take a newbie to sea fishing as they are almost guaranteed to catch a fish which will have them hooked and its not just any plain old fish its a bass one of the most sought after fish in the world at the minute, there you can also teach and advice the novice the rules around keeping a bass.

like i said its such a shame that the fisheries are more than likely closing it for good, :thumb: :thumb:
2014, species, codling, whiting, dab, blenny, flounder, bass 41cm, thornback ray on lrf tackle in morecambe bay off the shore. smoothound in heysham. plaice 2lb 1oz nasty weaver.
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Re: Heysham Bass Nursery - Update

Postby Ruthie » 17 Dec 2012, 22:16

I fished there once and was disgusted by the mess and rubbish left by rouge anglers... I can see why they wan't to close it off... it would be a shame.. but it is not a venue | would like to fish on my own.. judging by all the beer cans laying about. it could get a bit rough at times.. wonder if you could have a gate with a key code which permit holders could access... would be hard to police when the tide was out though!!
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