We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more →
Hi Guys,
I have heard a few reports and whispers floating around about the quality of our bait. I would firstly like to apologise if anyone has had any poor bait from us, it is not on purpose but for various reasons it hasn’t been up to scratch.
We have over this last week changed our bait processes for the better.Please read on to find out what we have changed.
Blow/Red Lug – The worms are currently kept in fresh sea water at about 350 per tray. We have decided to split this down to 200 per tray which will keep the worms in better condition. We are also going to try and change the water for frequently. The pack sizes had gone down earlier in the year to 15-18 worms. This was due to our cost price and we didn’t think it fair to rise the price in the current climate.
The lug will now go up to 20 worms per packet and no rise in price. It will stay at the same price to £3.50
Rag Worm – We were currently getting around 2 large trays per week of rag worm which comes in peat. The rag can stay fresh for up to 2 weeks but the unpredictable weather we are currently having doesn’t help to keep it. We have changed this down to 1 tray per week ensuring a high quality level is kept and only the freshest bait is available. We will also be splitting the the large tray of Rag we receive into 2 smaller trays to try and keep it to its best.
Black Lug – We currently have 2 black lug suppliers which bring us the freshest bait possible. Our job is to keep it fresh for as long as possible before freezing it down. Sometimes the Black is frozen down a little late and when defrosted is flat and rather stinky. I have experienced this first hand only a few weeks ago. Although the stinky Black is a brilliant bait for certain species I understand its not acceptable to buy it as ‘fresh’. We have now changed when we freeze the Black down to only ‘properly’ fresh lug is frozen and tired ‘stinky black’ will be sold as stinky black at a reduced price.
Peeler Crab – We are currently getting around 300 decent sized peeler crab per week from Cumbria. We keep these in in great condition and only try to sell the most ready to pop crabs first. We haven’t had any complaints about the crab except the price but they are expensive for us to buy in and to be fair they are the best bait.
If you have had any problems with your bait please contact me either PM, email (chris@gerrysfishing.com), Phone 01524 422146 or pop in. I would like to hear of any problem(s) you have had with bait or anything else and hopefully try and fix them.
If you have had an issue with bait please let me know and I will give you the same amount that wasn’t up to scratch FOC. I hope that is fair?
Can’t get fairer than that – just goes to prove that you take notice and act – well done Gerry’s