We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more →
Music: Modern Rock Delay http://www.audiomicro.com/ http://www.audiomicro.com/legal-docs/music-license-agreement Category: SportsUploaded by: TAFishingHosted: youtube [...]
This is extreme fishing for the serious angler in search of a totally unspoilt environment. Located in the Indian Ocean where it meets the Arabian Sea off the coast of Malabar these 36 islands have 21,200 [...]
Newhaven western lighthouse 17 metres above sea level been covered by waves. Filmed from the cliff by Newhaven Fort. Category: Travel & EventsUploaded by: yellowfinskipperHosted: youtube [...]
How to build a fishing rod for beach or shore fishing is another instructional film from The Totally Awesome Fishing Show.Packed full of tips on how a good fishing rod is made,in an exclusive interview by [...]
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Music: How to build a dog kennel the cheap, simple and easy way. This is another great tips-filled episode from Graeme Pullen and the DIY section of the Totally Awesome Fishing Show. There’s no doubt the [...]