Fishing reports


PadstaTel and KevP had a great day afloat out from Knot end. Fishing near Rossall School on a near mirror sea they bagged several nice Codling and a few Whiting to show for their efforts. [...]

Cod PB for Razer

Having tried on numerous occasions and miserably failed to catch a cod of any description so far this year I decided to go down south and visit family on the Saturday with a view to getting [...]

Weymouth – The Plaice to be!

Milnrow Sea Anglers made their annual pilgrimage to Weymouth to fish aboard Josh Simmonds boat Fish on 7 anglers made the trip down on Thursday afternoon and one joined us early on Friday morning. (Anglers were [...]

Winter fishing at Rossall – Fylde – Fleetwood

What with one thing or another (work, family commitments and an illness in the family ) it seemed like an absolute age since I’d last wet a line, so come hell or high water I was [...]

Rossall Cod – Carry on Camping

Having listened carefully to everyone’s advice about beach shelters I then wandered into Gerry’s and saw an Ian Golds’ Igloo standing proud + erect at the top of the stairs. After a quick look over I [...]

Cod fishing On the Fylde

Back in the swing following a lost week when rellies from Aus descended upon us unannounced,I dragged myself from the pit this morning and set off to pump some worms. Then came back home to get [...]