We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more →
Catching all these small codling was starting to get a bit tedious, so myself and SteveG decided on a bit of road trip to try and find a better fish. The first choice to make was [...]
So some of you, may have read my previous posts explaining that I only started sea fishing back in July 2013. I came across this site while doing google searches for bits and pieces as I [...]
Our Christmas Charity Match raised £408.20 for Donnas Dreamhouse – Many thanks to all who attended – A great turn out!!! [...]
Just got back from fishing siley with stu got there just as tide was reaching the shingle wanted to get there earlier but hey ho. Conditions looked good when we arrived [...]
After reading all the reports of the codling being caught around the Fleetwood area over the last week or so I decided to make the run up from and sample the sport. I ordered some bait [...]
Nearly didn’t happen after I ran out of time to get bait. Well I say ran out – I DID get to the beach,out of the car,pump & bucket out,jacket on,new Vass wellies out, left foot [...]