We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more →
One of the most important bits of kit you can own is your trusty tripod. For many years Ian golds tripods were the only ones on the market worth considering, but with companies like Shakespeare and [...]
I first spotted these properly when fishing with Sam (GentleGiant) a few weeks ago… I have to say, they are absolutely brilliant!! But then, the simplest of ideas usually are. The Bait Pak is basically a [...]
Berkley Nanofil review So you may have heard about a new line that is said to be the biggest development in line manufacture since braid. We thought Nanofil was that good it needed a review!! Nanofil [...]
We figured it was about time we did a little bit of a feature/review for our new sponsors. I took the trip down to Gerrys of Morecambe, a shop I went in when i first started [...]
I bought a H20 Bite Alert yesterday from Gerry’s Fishing and tried it last night! I thought it was great! It came in very handy last night, I was away from my rod for a while [...]
Delalande Agrafe Lure clips Just thought id give these a mention. In the past when plugging or spinning i tend to just tie the spinner or plug straight on, which is a bit of a pain. [...]