We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more β
Good boat fishing is often about experience on the water, and in this episode of the TOTALLY AWESOME FISHING SHOW, Graeme & Mike Pullen get an exclusive interview on the electronics system in operation aboard the 24-foot Wilson Flyer "Pisces". Owner Steve "Woody" Woodward gives a full description of the fish finding and navigation equipment, giving viewers lots of useful ideas. Plus you get to see the very FIRST Wilson Flyer 24 in action on the water, proving why they are among the most popular small boats for fishing in Britain. THe Totally Awesome Fishing Show should know as their own 17-foot Wilson "Hi Sea Drifter" has landed 3 different species over 100lbs, including Britain’s biggest shark – a Porbeagle well over 500lbs in 2012! All on film.
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