We have some exciting news from Gerrys of Morecambe as we are proud to welcome Read more β
Cast it out, wind it in… this easy-to-use Twitch Stick from Storm is a brilliant lure for anglers of all levels of twitch baiting experience. On a steady retrieve the Twitch Stick produces a strong rolling and wobbling response while the internal rattle sends out a beacon of noise in every direction that no fish can resist.
Additionally, its super responsive design creates sufficient action from the first crank of your reel, allowing an ultra slow presentation and erratic twitching maneuvers if you feel so inclined. Some days you won’t need to be this fancy, but it’s nice to know the option is there if required.
The suspending nature of Storm’s Twitch Stick allows it to be used in an inconsistent manner throughout the retrieve without losing its position within the water column. Try a stop-and-go retrieve with a few rod twitches; combine the Twitch Stick’s seductive colors and scale pattern and you have a perfect representation of an injured baitfish reflecting light in a distressed manner.