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11/10/13 Riverside Drive , Dundee

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11/10/13 Riverside Drive , Dundee

Postby sultzer » 13 Oct 2013, 16:39

Riverside Drive , Dundee
Weather: wind , overcast
Bait: mackie , prawn
Fish caught: flounder , coalfish

Arrived down at the wall , it was a tad chilly , Brian AWOL again , this time nae answer.
So off i went , casting out i noticed no one else fishing , fishing started with a few bites then a wee flounder followed bay double shot .
Nothing much else apart from flounder after flounder for 2 hours the total time i was there apart from a coalfish .
Total was 18 flounders and 1 coalfish
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Re: 11/10/13 Riverside Drive , Dundee

Postby TerryG » 13 Oct 2013, 22:11

The wall all to yourself Jase :thumb: All those flounder to catch :clap: :clap: Busy days fishing mate. :D
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Re: 11/10/13 Riverside Drive , Dundee

Postby skatenchips » 13 Oct 2013, 22:17

Top Flatty session fella,I'm surprised you get time to get out for a bash,but then if yuv 7 mouths to feed at home plenty of fish fillets are a must.

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Re: 11/10/13 Riverside Drive , Dundee

Postby Rushy » 13 Oct 2013, 22:21

Plenty of fish for you there Jase, well done bud :clap:
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