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23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

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23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

Postby sultzer » 26 Sep 2012, 05:11

sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath
Weather: sunny ,
Bait: lug , rag , mackie , prawn
Fish caught: flounder

This is the usual charity comp i fish every year , and for the last 2 years i never even got on the score sheet .
After my brekkie at mcdonalds headed for regestration but was early so got another brekkie while waiting , then regestered i got a peg next to squid ink and fellow jedi , brian was 10 pegs up .
Match started baits flung in waiting on the bites which didn't take long , reeled in baits stripped , 2nd cast out , after 20 mins a good wee bite reled in a flounder and on the score sheet , just after that al pulls in a flounder . Brian was blanking .
A while passed with no action beside my pegs but 2 pegs either side was busy with flounders and turbot , brian appeared he caught 2 flounders to our 1 .
Just then al brings in his 2nd , followed by myself catching a 2nd flounder , that was our only fish for the whole comp .
Still a good day out , around £2,000 raised .

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Re: 23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

Postby Baz C » 26 Sep 2012, 08:29

sultzer wrote: Still a good day out , around £2,000 raised .

Excellent result all round :thumb:
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Re: 23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

Postby Rushy » 26 Sep 2012, 10:14

Excellent report Jason, shame the fish didn't come out to play but that's secondary to the fantastic amount raised :clap:

Who'd have thought it, me winning the skate trip raffle :champ: :cheer: :yeah2: I never win anything usually! Can't wait til April :thumb:

Thanks for the report :gp: :gp: :gp:
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Re: 23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

Postby TerryG » 26 Sep 2012, 10:34

Fantastic amount raised lads, :clap: :clap: Well done :thumb: :thumb: Shame the fishing wasn't to good but at least the sun was out for you 8-) 8-) :gp: :gp:

Well done on the skate trip Rushy :clap: :thumb:
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Re: 23/09/12 sick kids comp - elliott beach , arbroath

Postby Bill Bodger » 26 Sep 2012, 11:19

Thank goodness for that! When I saw the title I thought I was going to be reading about a load of kids in a throwing up competition. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:gp: Well done on the amount raised for a worthy cause. Good pics, shame about the fishing.

Those are the breaks I guess.

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