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24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

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24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby sultzer » 31 Aug 2013, 21:25

Loch Sunart - Sting
Bait: mackie , squid , sand eel
Fish caught : mackie , lsd , pollack , gunard , cod , whiting , spurdog

Away with foxy this weekend aboard his boat sting. We arrived at Salen after a quick journey from Dundee , got boat sorted and launched , btw some boat .
We tried several spots , these mainly produced lsd after lsd , we also caught pollack , mackie , cod , gunard during our hunt for something bigger ,
As we settled on a morning for the night we dropped down fresh mackie baits , but nothing , headed for kip.
Woke up to a good day , i dropped a line down straight away lsd , having a cuppa and getting sorted for a move , managed a couple of mackie and whiting .
Whiting right down for bait but one bite and it was gone , we hauled rope and headed for something bigger .
Several spots later , more lsds lunch time , and off again . This time bang my rod nearly went in , holder slipped fish on looked around frank was in too. 2 spurs 14lb each , well worth the wait , headed back very pleased .
Frank tightlines when you go back up on weds get the biggies , and thanks for a great weekend
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24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby sharpey » 31 Aug 2013, 22:39

Now that's what I call a boat..!! Super trip on a super location..?? Good pair of fish to finish off too. Great trip guys, well done!
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Re: 24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby Rushy » 31 Aug 2013, 22:44

Now that is what I call a great couple of days fishing, sleeping aboard your boat and fishing while you have breakfast, what could be better? :yeah2: fantastic boat that :thumb:
Clonking spurs too :clap: I hope you've frozen a few of those whiting down for bait ;)

Great report and pics Jase :gp:
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24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby sharpey » 01 Sep 2013, 07:37

Was only 5 numbers off last night... Could have been me....!!
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Re: 24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby mac » 04 Sep 2013, 22:00

Great looking boat to go with the report and great scenary , catching fish is secondary with the views and weather you had that trip , was further north and had the same . No Skate or Rays but a couple of good dogs and others for you :thumb: :gp:
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Re: 24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby sultzer » 05 Sep 2013, 06:02

hopefully going back in oct , busy this month closer to home , airshow , a 26 cyclethon yip me cycling 26 miles :champ: , then sick kids comp i hope
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Re: 24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby Rushy » 05 Sep 2013, 07:25

sultzer wrote:hopefully going back in oct , busy this month closer to home , airshow , a 26 cyclethon yip me cycling 26 miles :champ: , then sick kids comp i hope

26 miles! :box: Jeez....I hope there's a pub at the end of it Jase ;)
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Re: 24-25/08/13 Loch Sunart - Sting

Postby sultzer » 08 Sep 2013, 10:59

a pub , i'll need a ambulance on standby
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