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A Little Blue at Cleveleys 140311

A place to post your kayak fishing reports, both sea fishing & freshwater kayak reports, and your experiences.

A Little Blue at Cleveleys 140311

Postby grahamw » 20 Mar 2011, 17:16

With a bit of time off on Monday I set off to Cleveleys for the first time since November! I'll keep this short as there isn't much to tell, but basically the cod have gone, the whiting too and with lug and squid all I tempted onto the kayak was a scorpion fish!

I should have taken some mackeral for the thornbacks, but was suprised that I didn't get a dab or two. Anyway, what was interesting was that the scorpion fish was blue underneath. Same pigmment that gives tub gurnards blue colouring perhaps? Still, it was nice to see it and good to be on the water again. Hope you guys are doing better than me!


I didn't get to try the bait pump I won in the competition as the tides were wrong - the water didn't go out enough. I'll put up a simple review when I do get to have a go with it.
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