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Anglesey part 2

Northwales - All shore sea fishing catch reports from North Wales covering Anglesey, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd and Wrexham.

Anglesey part 2

Postby RikRoney » 16 Jun 2015, 21:56

Wind changed, so looked for a launch, around caemes or bull bay. Decided on bull bay, its a good launch with firm beach. Headed back up towards Caemes hugging the cliffs and dodging lobster pots there was a lot of porpoises about and the birds were diving so we were looking forward to a good days fishing. First drop down in a hundred foot of water with a large shrimp rig brought two pollock struggling to the top. The pollock were very obliging, but it was short lived! As soon as the tide turned the wind whipped up and ruined the drifting so we looked for spot close into the cliffs to get out the wind and try some bait fishing, i dropped down the same three hook shrimp rig, but i baited with a small strip of sandeel and gently bounced the bottom small pollock on the rig straight from the off followed by dogfish and a welcome wrasse. As the wind whipped up stronger we didn't stay long as it was getting very choppy and we got a good soaking on the way back in. But we got to see some porpoises and some fantastic scenery and what look like a very old mine and smelting works. Hopefully we will get out again Thursday weather permitting. :notworthy:ImageImageImage
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Re: Anglesey part 2

Postby rob f » 17 Jun 2015, 11:34

:gp: and photos rik :thumb:
Dab, Whiting, 5 bearded rockling, Flounder, Thornback ray, Shanny, Silver eel, Doggie, Tub Gurnard, Coley, Pollock, Starry Smooth-hound, Plaice, Weever, Tope. Mackerel. Turbot. Dover sole.
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Re: Anglesey part 2

Postby Settle Simon » 17 Jun 2015, 14:05

Great report and photos.

The works are Porthwen brickworks. The type of brick produced was based on the local yellow clay rather than the usual red house brick. the bricks were used for the lining of kilns and furnaces. The works closed just after the start of the fist world war.

I have never fished there, but I do just about remember some great parties we used to have down there (all nighters, loud music and plenty to drink and girls) around the time that I finished my 'O'levels (1980ish). The only downside was the walk back to Cemaes Bay, where I lived, with a stonking hangover in the morning.

looking forward to reading of your further adventures, good luck on Thursday
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Re: Anglesey part 2

Postby BigBadCol » 17 Jun 2015, 17:24

Great report and some cracking pictures.

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