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Forum Guidelines

General Coarse fishing and Carp forum.

Forum Guidelines

Postby Rushy » 22 Dec 2013, 15:44

Angling Addicts was set up as a friendly fishing forum whose aim was to provide a platform for anglers and fishing enthusiasts of all ages and experience to exchange ideas and information. We are mindful that members have differing levels of expertise and experience and we expect encouragement and advice to be passed on in a respectful and friendly manner. It is possible to disagree about a subject and engage in lively discussion but still get your point across in a positive and constructive way without resorting to being negative or demeaning towards each other.
It is often difficult to portray by the written word alone the tone in which a post is intended for the recipient. To this end, members are reminded to use the emoticons (smilies) which can help get across a tongue-in-cheek post etc (members are also reminded of the post reporting system, simply click on the red exclamation mark button at the top right of every post and a member of admin will deal with it)

However, if your intention of posting is to cause an ego driven argument, or if you continuously post in an inflammatory way to spark an argument, or to try and belittle a person/idea (as on some other forums) then maybe AA isn't the place for you and you will be warned. If you do not heed this warning you may be removed. We like to keep it friendly on here and so far we have been blessed with sensible and respectful members, let's keep it this way.

Thank You :thumb:
Make a difference - take home one piece of someone's angling litter next time you are out fishing
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