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Fylde - Five Bar Gate

Sea fishing Venue guides and information for where to fish around the UK. Uk sea fishing marks.

Fylde - Five Bar Gate

Postby Rushy » 19 Jan 2013, 00:21

A popular and easy fishing venue on the Fylde, fishing over high water is from a stretch of shingle beach over clean ground with good safe parking close by.
This venue offers excellent clean ground fishing in autumn/winter for good size cod generally in the 2-3lb bracket and usually whiting, dabs and flounder, with occasional catches of Thornback ray from August onwards. In summer you can expect to catch Plaice, dabs, flounder, bass and dogfish with increasing reports of smoothhound, especially at low water on a still evening to crab baits.

Googlemap here (Put your postcode or home address into box A then click 'Get Directions')






A feature of the beaches on the Fylde coast are the constantly changing gullies which appear at low tide. Some of these can appear benign and insignificant but on a flooding tide these can fill rapidly and catch out the unwary. Once the tide has turned and started to flood, constant vigilance is required if you've crossed an empty gully to fish the low water marks, they fill FAST and they WILL cut you off if you leave it too late.

Having said that, fishing low water here can often outfish high water, especially at night. It is recommended that you either fish with a companion who is experienced in fishing low water on the Fylde coast at night or fish it during daylight hours so you can get a feel how the tide acts on the flood and how the gullys fill. Chest waders are an added advantage for obvious reasons, but wearing these should not lull the angler into a false sense of security. There is no substitute for common sense and an early departure rather than a late one! No fish is worth risking your life for.....

Some great information about the gullys and fishing the 5 bar gate area HERE :clap:

Whilst it has been important to stress the dangers that the gulleys present, they also give the angler a great advantage when it comes to the actual fishing. On a flooding and ebbing tide, the fish use the gullys as highways to get to and from their feeding areas. Also food collects in the gulleys which the fish predate on. So it's worth noting where these gullys are and if within casting distance, to try and put your baits in and around them as they will yield good results.
Make a difference - take home one piece of someone's angling litter next time you are out fishing
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Re: Fylde - Five Bar Gate

Postby stevenlisa24 » 19 Jan 2013, 07:01

have you just put this up just in case i got lost on the way there in a couple of hours I may be :dumb: and a :huan kerr: but i'm not that bad....... where did i park my car :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
There's no such thing as bad weather just a bad choice of clothing!

2013 Fish Count so far:
10 Flounder
5 Whiting
10 DAB
3 Rockling
2 Plaice
12 mackeral
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Fylde - Five Bar Gate

Postby Pugsie » 19 Jan 2013, 10:37

stevenlisa24 wrote:have you just put this up just in case i got lost on the way there in a couple of hours I may be :dumb: and a :huan kerr: but i'm not that bad....... where did i park my car :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Bet theirs plenty of cod in that second gully Steve good luck mate.
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Re: Fylde - Five Bar Gate

Postby Rocket Ron » 19 Jan 2013, 19:39

stevenlisa24 wrote:have you just put this up just in case i got lost on the way there in a couple of hours I may be :dumb: and a :huan kerr: but i'm not that bad.......

Great timely post Rushy,, about as subtle as a brick, V undiplomatic...
Not like you at all.. :lmao: :lmao: .

[5 bar gate 19/01/13
by stevenlisa24 » 14 Jan 2013, 23:26


Tommy (tli) and his lad, marc (7511)and dave (koimad) and myself are going to 5 bar gate on saturday for a low water sesh.

Anyone else is more than welcome to join us PM me if your coming and i'll send you my mobile number.



Re: 5 bar gate 19/01/13
by Rushy » 15 Jan 2013, 23:28

flearider wrote:
did 5 bar today blank .. you may want to move to rossall or point tides are smaller so not much pull ...

Good point Dave, Dronny road or cadets might be an option too, with the dropping tides hopefully the weed should be ok let's hope it doesn't rain either


Re: 5 bar gate 19/01/13
by stevenlisa24 » 16 Jan 2013, 16:49

waders needed for rossall straight out from dronsfield is ok i think.

Could have re-done the great straight out from Dronny Rd low water mark HERE
Nice day for a 3 mile hike :doh: :lmao: :lmao:
Rocket Ron

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