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loch longfishing

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loch longfishing

Postby covenanter » 01 Apr 2015, 18:41

Hi all i get a bit miffed when i look on forums and see that a lot of guys dismiss loch long and state there are no fish in it. I fish it a lot from my boat usually on the opposite side from the road.its pretty remote and you hardly see anyone on that side . to date conger cod pollock,doggies.dabs plaice.mullet.wrasse and a thornback have been taken from my boat .last monday i spoke with a guy out in an inflable and he had six mackies.I was surprised to see mackies this early in loch long usually mid may before they appear. so come on lads don't knock loch long it still holds plenty of fih .but i only boat fish so i can't comment on whats getting caught from the shore :boat:
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Re: loch longfishing

Postby craggers » 01 Apr 2015, 19:04

Theres only been 24 reports from north of the border since June 2013 , be nice to have some posts from up that way :D :D
Look forward to you reports some pics would be nice gives a flavor of the place :D

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Re: loch longfishing

Postby Graham » 09 Aug 2015, 20:24

only just seen this
used to go up in the 70's to Arrochar when I was a pup with my dad cod fishing in February
the place was a ghost town last time I went (about 10 years ago)
all the charter boats had gone
we used to get some good fish but I believe it got trawled to death
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Re: loch longfishing

Postby greenwells glory » 18 Aug 2015, 10:02

That brings back many happy memories for me. During the winter months all of the major clubs used to run coach trips up to loch Long and the Gairloch Blackpool Transport, Blackpool and Layton, Fleetwod and District I went up with them all at one time or another and had some great catches from the shore. A blank was virtually unheard of in those far off days!
The atmsphere on those charras was always great ...the thick fug of cigarette smoke that you walked into when you got on...the expectant conversation about the anticipated catch, a good laugh with the lads.. Wonderful times...all of which went rather suddenly as after we lost the Icelandic cod war, the trawlers just raped the sea lochs in search of fish and in so doing destroyed not only the fish stocks but also the pleasure of all of the anglers who made that pilgramage every weekend.
Sad really because exploited properly the value to the local economy of decent sport fishing is infinitly greater than the price of fish per pound at Billingsgate.
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