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Low water marks ?

Sea fishing Venue guides and information for where to fish around the UK. Uk sea fishing marks.

Low water marks ?

Postby Liam06 » 05 May 2019, 14:15

Hi I’ve only ever fished low water once just looking for a few pointers I’m not looking for everyone’s hotspots just looking for a low water mark that can produce fish around Lancashire also what time do you go before low water how many hours before or after any help appreciated thanks in advance
2019 species hunt..... whiting, rockling 5 beard, dab, cod, dogfish, plaice, bass
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Re: Low water marks ?

Postby Kev » 28 Sep 2019, 14:59

Stick in there Liam,i`m sure you`ll get a reply before xmas :giveup:
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Re: Low water marks ?

Postby StevieA » 29 Sep 2019, 22:20

I know this is a long after your initial post, but info may be useful anyway.

The main low water marks around Morecambe are, from south to north:

Half Moon Bay, Heysham. Best on spring tides of 9m+ so you get longer fishing in the channel. 1.5 hrs down/up is usual, or 2 down/2up if you don't mind backing up a fair bit on a very shallow sloping beach. The 90mins around low water seems to be the best time. Long walk out from steps or ramp near end of short prom just north of cafe. Some park near old lighthouse on North Wall (near harbour) but local knowledge required on that walk out to avoid very sloppy ground. Aim to fish roughly midway between harbour entrance to S and navigation post at end of pipeline out from Throbshaw Point to N. Most wear waders but frankly, an hour either side of low, they only gain you a few extra yards. Late spring through summer for smooth-hound, thornback rays, tope pups, plaice and the odd bass. Dogfish, whiting, codling and flounder in winter. Most go light because of walk out and fish one rod on spike or light tripod with pre-baited second rig. Tidal pull, weed and crabs generally manageable.

West End beach (between Battery pipeline in S to Stone Jetty in N). Walk out from prom anywhere south of Midland hotel, not from end of jetty, to avoid soft gully that runs along south side of jetty. Best on small to medium tides. 2 down/3 up is typical, though you can fish right up to high water on very small tides by backing up (and wearing waders). Seems to fish better well into the flood. Slopes quite steeply at low, so waders not necessary then unless you intend to back up 3-4hrs into flood. Tidal run is strong, even on smallish tides, and crabs and weed a common problem. Plaice and bass in summer, along with the odd thornback, and typically flounder, whiting, and codling in winter. After a period of small tides with gentle winds, the beach can be covered in many inches of gloopy silt. Not nice. Otherwise fine. The old pipeline out from The Battery that defines the south end of the beach offers an alternative mark for an hour or so either side of low water. Fish from the concrete pipeline top either into the shallow lagoon on the left, the water on the right, or into the channel from the very end of the pipe. Be mindful of the flood and back up in good time.

RNLI gravel road. It is possible to clamber down rock armour at base of Stone Jetty to fish low water, but most prefer to walk out down the gravel road just north of jetty from the RNLI shed to the gravel mound at its end. Tidal pull is strong, and there are some hidden snags, though it is reputedly a good spot for rays during slack water. Gives you the option of fishing low water here then moving onto the Stone Jetty for high.

Mussel beds. These are reached by walking out from the Bay Strathmore hotel, initially along the left side of the rock groyne. Most commonly fished during small tides. Slopes quite steeply at end so you get a comfortable 2 hours down/up with very little moving about. Waders often worn, but again, for most of low water they only gain you a few yards. Wellies essential, though, as ground is sloppy. Can be excellent for plaice and rays in summer. No experience in winter, so can't comment on that. Crabs not too busy, and weed and tidal pull manageable.

Obviously this round-up is just from (limited) personal experience, so hopefully others will chip in.
2019 Species Hunt: whiting, five bearded rockling, codling, dogfish, flounder, plaice, dab, thornback ray, silver eel, starry smooth-hound, bass, common smooth-hound, Dover sole, tope
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Joined: 07 Aug 2018, 09:55

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